英検®1級2次 試験対策 サンプルスピーチ(音声付) その20



020. Is the Japanese healthcare system a good model for other countries?

<英検®1級2次 過去問(2012年度)サンプルスクリプト>

Although Japan’s Health care system is on the verge of collapse in its own rapidly aging population, Yes, I still believe it is exemplary for other nations, where shrinking population is not an issue. Let’s go deeper into it.

First of all, it is worth considering that this is a universal health care system. That means, all citizens are covered regardless of economic and social status. You have the option to get it at work or through your city government. So even if you lose your job, you will never go broke because of medical expenses.

Another point worth noting is the confidence of getting hospice care whenever , wherever you need , at an almost zero cost. The health Ministry strictly controls the price without sacrificing the quality of service to the public. The authority makes sure that no one is discriminated against any medical needs. In contradictory to other countries, anyone can visit their chosen doctors without making any appointments in advance.

All things considered, this health care system ensures every citizen to have an access to medicare anytime, anywhere , at a very minimal cost. This is what every person in the world dream of , right?Therefore, I say , Japan’s Health care is a good model for other lands.

 (213 words)  


太字部:connective devices






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