Agree or disagree:
People should spend more leisure time for activities than taking slow time.
learning / health benefits / wasting time / family time
Student’s Answer
I do not agree that people should spend more leisure time for activities than taking slow time. I think both are important, and I have two reasons why I feel so.
First, leisure activities, such as learning new things and having family time, are the most vital things to bring the positive energy. They reduce our daily stress and improve the quality of our lives. Thus, they are essential to our mental and physical health.
Second, taking slow time is not wasting time, and it is also significant to clear our mind. Life is not a race, and we do not need to rush our way to our grave. Furthermore, by relaxing, we can enjoy each moment of our lives resulting to a greater joy.
Therefore, I strongly believe that the balance is the key, and both are very important for a healthier and happier lifestyle. (146 words)
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I do not agree that people should spend more leisure time for activities compared to taking time slow. I think both are necessary and here are two points why I think so.
First, positive energy can be more released and achieved when we learn new things, spend time with family and enjoy leisure activities. These can reduce daily stress and improve our lives’s quality. Therefore, these are important to safeguard our physical and mental health.
Second, taking time slow is actually not wasting time. This is essential to help clear our mind from worries. Taking one day at a time can help us relax and enjoy. After all, life is not a race and the more we hurry, the more we get clogged and stressed.
That is why I strongly believe that balancing both leisure time and taking time slow is important for a healthier and happier lifestyle. (147 words)
