020. Is the Japanese healthcare system a good model for other countries?
019. Will the increasing reliance in robots and computers pose a threat to society?
018. Is information technology changing news media for the better?
017. Are current global agricultural practices sustainable?
016. Has the influence of Western values weakened Japanese identity?
015. Can businesses be ethical and still be profitable?
014. Agree or disagree: Surveillance cameras should be installed in all public places
013. Agree or disagree: a university degree is necessary for success
012. Can world peace ever be achieved?
011. Should taxpayer money be used to support the arts?
010. Is corruption an inevitable part of modern society?
009. Will the continued loss of biodiversity lead to environmental catastrophe?
008. Should the government prioritize domestic issues over international issues?
007. Has urbanization in Japan gone too far?
006. Are moral values on the decline in today’s society?
005. Should countries have the right to posses chemical and biological weapons?
004. Agree or disagree: The Internet should be free from censorship?
003. Is the extensive media coverage of environmental problems having any effect?
002. Is government action the key to dealing with climate change?
001. Can Japanese companies remain competitive in today’s global economy?
Rudy and Peter SkitteriansによるPixabayからの画像
