今月のVOAのコーナーです! 毎月私カスタマーサポートの岩田が一つ記事を選び、つたない英語ながらも要約作成と感想を書くことに挑戦しているコーナーです。自分はこう思ったけどこういう意見もあったのか、今度この表現使ってみよう、自分ならこういう表現で言うな、など少しでもお客様の学習の参考になれば幸いです。
Program Trains Teachers, Students to Deal with School Shootings
A new shooting simulation program is designed to help keep teachers and students safe from gun violence. This program let the user experience what really happens when a gunman enters a school. The goal of this program is to give teachers, administrators, and even police a chance to virtually walk through an active shooting incidentat a school.
In this simulation program, users can have different experiences, and see what works and what doesn’t. Experience builds survivability.
The simulation is shocking and unpleasant. But the programmers say they are doing their best to prepare teachers for the worst that might happen to prevent a lot of these deaths.
I agree that the simulation helps users prepare for a possible violent attack. Here are the reason why I think so.
In fact, in the US, at least 12 people were shot to death on the first day of 2018. Also 15,590 people were killed last year forthe same reason. The number is increasing every year in the last 5 years.
A shooting incident can happen anywhere and anytime. So we have to prepare for it. A proverb says if you are prepared, you don’t have to worry too much. In Japanese, we say this ‘Sonae areba, urei nashi’. Knowledge from the simulation must be helpful.
Therefore, I believe that the simulation program helps users prepare for a possible violent attack. Of course, it will be injurious to their health and mind. So extra care should be observed.
today’s pick up :使役動詞+目的語+原形不定詞
本文中盤13段落目に「the simulation helps users prepare for an attack」という文が出てきました。今日はこの「役動詞+目的語+原形不定詞」の形をpick upしてみようと思います!
使役動詞はみなさんご存知ですね。make, have, letですが、これらは目的語の後にto不定詞ではなく、 原形不定詞を置きます。
make A + 原形不定詞:(むりやり)Aに~させる 【強制的】
have A + 原形不定詞:Aに~してもらう 【一般的】
let A + 原形不定詞:Aが~することを許す、許可する 【許可】
ここまでは基礎中の基礎ですかね。少しレベルアップして、 この構文のmakeが受け身になると、どうなるかわかりますか? 早速問題!次の文を受け身の文に変えてみてください。
Our parents made us brush our teeth three times a day.
→We were made to brush our teeth three times a day by our parents.
上記の構文のmakeが受け身になると、原形不定詞ではなくto不定詞が使われますが、let、haveの場合は、ふつうそれをbe allowed(「許される」)に変え、そのあとにtoつき不定詞を続けますのでご注意くださいネ。
He made〔let〕one of his men go there for him. (彼は自分の代わりに部下のひとりをそこに行かせた)
→One of his men was made 〔allowed〕to go there for him.
ちなみにhelpは目的語の後にto 不定詞と原形不定詞のどちらを置いても大丈夫です。
ex. Can you help me (to) put up the tent?
