今月のVOAのコーナーです! 毎月私カスタマーサポートの岩田が一つ記事を選び、つたない英語ながらも要約作成と感想を書くことに挑戦しているコーナーです。自分はこう思ったけどこういう意見もあったのか、今度この表現使ってみよう、自分ならこういう表現で言うな、など少しでもお客様の学習の参考になれば幸いです。
今月私が選んだ記事は Smart Cameras to Help You Capture Better Photos
One of the newest “smart” devices is an old favorite, a camera. And smart cameras are getting smarter every time. These are 4 new devices with the most advanced technology.
Google Clips
It is the first camera developed by the web search giant that is not built into a phone. It’s very small, weighing just 60 grams. The device is designed to be put somewhere in a room to take pictures by itself. It can also be attached to an object or a person’s clothing.
Go Pro Hero
It is designed to be easily taken anywhere and can automatically capture photos and video. The camera can be controlled by voice to allow for total hands-free usage.
Snap Spectacles
It is a pair of sunglasses with a built-in camera that can record short video clips with the push of a button works best when used at home with family and close friends.
Apple iPhone X
It includes a new Face ID system that it says will unlock the phone just by having the user look at it. Apple says the system works by projecting more than 30,000 dots on the face to create a kind of map.
Samsung S8 It also use eye and facial recognition technology to unlock devices.
These devices with the most advanced technology have been making the rounds online recently. I personally find it very useful. Here are the two reasons to support my ideas.
Firstly, advanced technology make our life better. For example, many people in the Philippines set up Go Pro Hero in their cars. When car accidents occur, it can record the whole accident to get to know the truth behind what really happened. Disputes can be avoided then.
Secondly, Face ID system save time and can limit troubles by pressing some buttons and input passwords to unlock. It also can help us preserve our privacy. If we drop and loose our smart phone with this system, nobody can unlock it.
For the above two reasons, I agree with using these useful devices. I hope we can adopt them in our lives properly. Hopefully, with reasonable price in the near future.(148 words)
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